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      Auto Lathes

      Take a look at all of our blog posts on the topic of auto lathes.

      The Importance of Precision in Our Custom Glass Product Manufacturing

      1024 683 Matthew Morris

      Imagine a world where every piece of glass in your home, car, or office was just slightly off in size or thickness.

      Your windows might not quite fit, your glasses might easily break, or your car’s windshield might not be as sturdy. This is why precision is paramount in custom glass product manufacturing. In industries where the margin for error is nearly zero, such as many that we produce products for here at Moore’s Glassworks, achieving flawless precision ensures not only the functionality but also the safety and aesthetics of the final product.

      Whether it’s our cathode ray tubes, or our vacuum viewports, working to exact measurements is something every skilled glass engineer in our team is trained in.

      We’ve created this blog to tell you more, so let’s take a look.

      Precision in Glass Manufacturing

      Precision, in the context of manufacturing, refers to the exactness and accuracy with which products are made according to specifications.

      In glass manufacturing, this precision affects everything from the thickness and cut of the glass to the consistency of its composition. Given that glass is both a functional and decorative material used in a multitude of applications—from architectural designs to everyday utensils—its production tolerances are often incredibly tight.

      In bespoke glass manufacturing, every product may be needed to adhere to different specifications and the tiniest millimetre of error can lead to big issues.

      This is why precision is such an important factor in this process, and only exact fittings will suffice.

      Challenges of Achieving Precision

      Achieving these high levels of precision isn’t easy though, and there are challenges:

      • Material Challenges: Glass is inherently a brittle material, prone to breaking and chipping if not handled or processed correctly. Variations in temperature during production can also lead to inconsistencies in strength and clarity, making the manufacturing process a delicate science. When achieving precision, you must be able to handle glass as it is being sculpted and ensure it fits the measurements perfectly.


      • Technological Constraints: The technology available in glass manufacturing, such as kilns and cutting tools, imposes limitations. Older machines or poorly maintained equipment can result in production errors that are often costly to correct. Here at Moore’s Glassworks, we don’t have these issues, as our state-of-the-art auto lathes are ideal for creating glass products that are as precise as can be.


      • Human Factors: The human element in glass manufacturing is vital, but can lead to errors. Skilled artisans can craft extraordinary pieces with precision that machines cannot match, but human error remains a risk. Training and continuous skill development are crucial to minimising these errors.

      Fully auto glass lathe (1)

      Benefits of High Precision

      Product Quality

      Highly precise glass manufacturing leads to products that are not only visually appealing but also more durable and better performing.

      For instance, in terms of vacuum viewports, these have to fit the exact measurements or else they will not work to their full capabilities and could be damaged when put into the high pressure situations they are made for.

      Customer Satisfaction

      When products meet or exceed expectations in terms of quality and performance, customer satisfaction naturally follows.

      This can lead to repeat business, referrals, and a strong reputation in a competitive market.

      We take pride in producing great products for every client, no matter the size or shape of the job, and that’s why we deliver products across the world to happy customers.

      Compliance and Safety

      In many uses of glass, from automotive to architectural, safety standards must be rigorously met.

      Precision ensures compliance with these standards, protecting manufacturers from legal repercussions and protecting consumers from potential harm. The smallest error in precision can lead to issues in terms of safety, especially when in situations that may contain radiation, for example.

      This is why precision is so vital and every product must be rigorously checked to ensure it is safe to perform it’s intended tasks.

      The Future of Precision in Glass Manufacturing

      Looking forward, the integration of AI and IoT into glass manufacturing promises even greater levels of precision. These technologies can help predict and adjust for variability in material properties and environmental conditions in real-time.

      It is also important to keep a close eye on consumer trends, and trends in the industry, as these can pave the way for new methods and equipment that can help improve precision and create better products.

      As consumer and regulatory demands for safety and quality continue to rise, the industry is likely to see an increased emphasis on precision. This will drive further innovations and improvements in manufacturing technologies and techniques and here at Moore’s Glassworks, we plan on always staying on top of the latest updates.

      Fully auto glass lathe with robot (1)

      Our Auto Lathes

      Auto lathes significantly enhance precision in glass manufacturing, merging the artistry of traditional glassblowing with advanced automation technology. Operated remotely using controls like joysticks, these machines allow glassblowers to create a reference piece during a process known as acquisition, where every action and its effects are recorded. The machine’s software analyses this data to generate a production program, which can be adjusted for quality improvements or specific production needs.

      Unlike manual methods, auto lathes operate under a closed-loop system, where embedded thermographic cameras continuously monitor and adapt to the temperature and dimensions of the glass. This ensures adjustments are made in real-time to accommodate variations in material properties or environmental conditions. With the ability to maintain precision up to ±0.05 millimeter, auto lathes surpass the accuracy achievable by human hands, offering superior consistency and repeatability in production.

      This technology not only replicates the manual skills of glassblowers but enhances them, providing a reliable solution for large-scale productions where consistency and precision are paramount. Auto lathes represent a leap forward in glass manufacturing, setting new standards for quality and efficiency in the industry.


      The relentless pursuit of precision in the manufacturing of custom glass products is not just about adhering to specifications; it’s about exceeding them to deliver products that enhance safety, performance, and aesthetics.

      Here at Moore’s Glassworks, our products are always precise to the exact measurements requested by our clients.

      Want to know more? Then get in touch with our team today.

      Cathode Ray Tube Manufacture

      The Role of Automation in the Glass Manufacturing Industry

      1000 750 Matthew Morris

      Here at Moore’s Glassworks, we always look to be at the forefront of glass manufacturing.

      While glass manufacturing has a history dating back centuries, the way it is done now looks very different.

      One of the reasons glass is so commonplace in society and is so quick to manufacture, is automation. This can done on huge scales, and in many different ways.

      In our glass manufacturing plant, we use auto-lathes. These are state-of-the-art equipment that can create pinpoint glass products at amazing speeds.

      But how did automation start in glass manufacturing? And why is it such a popular way of creating glass equipment?

      Let’s take a look.

      What do We Mean by Automation?

      Automation refers to the use of technology to perform tasks or processes without human intervention.

      This can include the use of machinery, robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and computer software to complete tasks or operations that were previously performed by humans.

      Automation is seen in most places you look, and continues to take more roles in modern society as technology advances. Think of the next time you stop at a traffic light, the fact it is a machine stopping traffic and not a human is a sign of automation becoming commonplace in society.

      In the glass manufacturing industry, especially when dealing with products such as cathode ray tubes, vacuum viewports, and glass condom moulds, measurements have to be precise to ensure the product works as it should.

      While a human hand can do this, it can be a time-consuming process, and that is why machines such as our auto-lathes are game-changers.

      Automation has advanced many aspects of the glass manufacturing process, from design to creation and even packaging.

      The History of Automation in the Glass Manufacturing Industry

      Automation has played a significant role in the glass manufacturing industry, with a history spanning several decades.

      But, as with most things, it wasn’t always this way.

      So what happened to introduce automation in this field.

      Let’s find out with a quick history.

      Early Automation

      In the early days of glass manufacturing, most of the work was done by hand.

      However, in the mid-20th century, glass manufacturers began to adopt automation to increase production capacity and reduce labor costs.

      This initial automation involved the use of simple machines such as conveyor belts, cranes, and mechanical presses.

      While these may seem like simple machines, especially compared to some of the new advances in technology we see now, they completely revolutionized the way glass was manufactured, making it able to produce glass on huge scales.


      In the 1970s, glass manufacturers began to incorporate computer technology into their production processes.

      This allowed for greater control over the manufacturing process and improved quality control.

      Computerized control systems were used to regulate temperatures, monitor production, and manage inventory. We use computer technology on our auto-lathes to allow the user to carefully map out a product. All they have to do is input the figures, and the machine will do the rest, creating a glass product that fits the exact dimensions.


      In the 1980s, glass manufacturers began to incorporate robotics into their production processes.

      Robots were used to handle and move glass components, reducing the need for manual labor and increasing efficiency.

      Robots were also used to perform tasks that were too dangerous or difficult for humans, such as working in high-temperature environments.

      Glass manufacturing involves dealing with high temperatures, and using robots and machines, you can get much closer access to the project at hand, without burning yourself.

      Advanced Automation

      In the 1990s and 2000s, glass manufacturers continued to incorporate more advanced automation technologies.

      This included the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to improve the efficiency and accuracy of production processes.

      Advanced automation also allowed for greater customization and flexibility in manufacturing, as well as improved safety and environmental sustainability.

      Today, glass manufacturers continue to explore new ways to incorporate automation into their production processes.

      And it’s easy to see why, as using automation to help manufacture glass comes with many benefits.

      The Benefits of Using Automation for Glass Manufacturers

      The use of automation has brought many benefits to the glass manufacturing industry, including:

      1. Increased productivity: One of the primary benefits of automation in glass manufacturing is increased productivity. Automated processes can perform tasks more quickly and efficiently than humans, and they can operate around the clock without the need for breaks or rest. This allows manufacturers to increase their production output and meet the demand for glass products more efficiently.
      2. Improved quality control: Automation can improve the quality control of glass products by eliminating errors caused by human error. Machines such as auto-lathes can measure and control temperature, pressure, and other factors that impact product quality with greater precision than humans. This results in more consistent and higher quality glass products.
      3. Reduced labor costs: By automating tasks that were previously performed by humans, glass manufacturers can reduce their labor costs. Automated systems can perform tasks more quickly and efficiently, and they do not require breaks, vacation time, or other benefits that are provided to human employees.
      4. Enhanced safety: Glass manufacturing can be a hazardous industry, with the risk of burns, cuts, and other injuries. By automating tasks that are dangerous for humans, manufacturers can improve the safety of their operations. Automated systems can also monitor and control hazardous conditions such as high temperatures, reducing the risk of accidents.
      5. Improved sustainability: Automation can help glass manufacturers to reduce their environmental impact by optimizing energy use, reducing waste, and improving the efficiency of production processes. This can result in significant cost savings, as well as a reduced carbon footprint.
      6. Flexibility and customization: Automation can provide glass manufacturers with greater flexibility and customization in their production processes, and can be reprogrammed quickly to accommodate changes in production requirements or to produce different types of glass products.

      The benefits of automation are huge and clear to see, and as technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more benefits in the future.

      Moore’s Glassworks: Custom Glass Manufacturers

      Are you looking for custom glass manufacturing? Then look no further than Moore’s Glassworks.

      We use automated equipment, as well as skilled glass blowers, to create glass products that are shipped all over the world.

      Want to know more? Then get in touch today.


      moore's glassworks auto lathe

      How our Auto Lathes Work

      337 200 Matthew Morris

      At Moore’s Glassworks, we have a team of highly skilled professionals who are experts in glassblowing and always create stunning, bespoke products that are sure to pass our quality control tests.

      But that’s not the only method we have of creating these items.

      Alongside our team of glassblowers are our auto-lathe machines.

      This thermographically controlled equipment is efficient and accurate and once set up, is sure to fit the brief.

      We love working with our auto-lathe machines, and that’s why we’ve created this handy guide to let you know exactly what they can do, and just how they do it.

      Let’s take a look.

      How Does an Auto-Lathe Machine Work?

      An automatic lathe is a piece of equipment that creates or adjusts products at a lightning-quick rate.

      On a manual lathe, the process of moulding glass takes more time. This is because the glassblower must perform their action and then check their work, making sure it is looking as it should.

      On an auto-lathe machine, the movements needed to shape the glass are done automatically, and they are carefully chosen with the help of a thermographic camera.

      You may have seen these cameras being used on television or in films. This is where heat is measured through the lens, and are often seen on human bodies where you can see the warmth of the body.

      The cameras on our auto-lathes are at a much smaller scale to these ones, but they are still more than capable of producing highly accurate work.

      By constantly assessing the temperature and shape of the glass it is working on, the machine can decide which actions to take to best create the desired product, and all of this without any human intervention after an initial set up.

      We think they’re pretty amazing, and they certainly come packed with benefits.

      The Benefits of Automatic Lathe Machines in Glassblowing


      This equipment is quick.

      Once the profile of the product in question has been inputted, the machine can get to work, and once it begins there is no stopping it.

      With the help of the thermographic camera, there is never any need to pause the building to assess the product whilst it is being created. This is because it is being continuously monitored and the results are being fed into the system automatically.

      That, alongside the speed at which it can measure and evaluate the working glass, makes an auto-lathe machine a super speedy option for glassblowing.


      Not only is an auto-lathe quick, but it is also accurate.

      It always gets the product within 0.05 millimetres of the desired measurement, which means it is pretty much perfect every time.

      There is also no threshold for error with our auto-lathes, and the desired results are achieved every time without fail.


      In our industry, we often encounter orders of many products that need to be in the exact same shape as all of the rest.

      An automatic lathe machine makes this easy to achieve as once programmed, it is sure to keep producing an item of the exact same measurement as the previous one time and time again.

      Consistency is key when producing a number of products in quick succession and this is something that is ensured with an automatic lathe.


      No matter what project you enquire about, our machines can handle the job.

      All it takes is the programming to be set up, and then the lathe equipment can get to work. This makes them an incredibly flexible machine to use and allows us to offer bespoke, and tailor-made glassblowing to businesses of all sizes and statures.

      No job is ever the same, as is no customer, so it is a big positive to have equipment that can handle any request with ease.

      Machines dept

      How do you Set Up an Auto Lathe?

      Surprisingly for such a complex piece of equipment, the set-up of an automatic lathe is relatively simple.

      Our lathe machines come with a joystick, on which one of our skilled glassblowers can produce a piece to be used as a reference.

      The automatic lathe can then read the dimensions of this piece, as well as remember the movements that had been made by the glassblower in building it, before working out the actions required to build something to the same exact dimensions.

      Pushing, pulling, blowing, sealing, crushing, our lathe machines do it all, and if during the process it seems things are not looking as they should, it couldn’t be easier to reprogram the machine and make any adjustments that are needed.

      A simple user interface that runs on Windows XP is also available to help even workers with little to no experience of using this equipment to be able to work it.

      Once the production of this piece is complete, it is simple to switch the automatic lathe over to the next project, meaning no time is wasted in getting your products built and ready to be shipped.

      Our Products

      We produce many different products on our specialist equipment, including vacuum viewports, photoionization detectors, cathode ray tube glass, glass condom moulds, and more.

      Due to the ease of function of these machines, we can create glass products that are fit to any size needed.

      If you need a glassworks company that you know will be quick, reliable, and accurate, then look no further than Moore’s Glassworks and our auto-lathe machines.

      Get in Touch with Moore’s Glassworks Today

      We offer a tailor-made service, so no matter your job, get in touch with us today.

      For over 40 years we have exported bespoke glass products all around the world.

      From experienced glass blowers with years of glassblowing under their belt to our state-of-the-art automatic lathe machines, we can handle your job quickly and accurately.

      We look forward to hearing from you.

      Glass Manufacutre

      The Glass Manufacturing Process: What Happens at Moore’s Glassworks?

      1024 576 Matthew Morris

      The glass industry manufacturing process contains many different elements depending on the job and the tools at hand.

      At the heart of it though, is the process of glass forming. The differences come in factors such as if you’re using machinery or engineers, and the size of the job.

      If someone is looking to produce multi-pin bases, the work carried out within the glassworks would be different to when creating a glass condom mould, but the science behind it all would be the same.

      At Moore’s Glassworks, we use state-of-the-art machinery alongside expert professionals to manufacture glass that is sent all over the world and is used in many industries including science and the military.

      But how does the relationship between man and machine work?

      Let’s take a look.

      Receiving the Order

      The first thing that needs to happen for us to make a product is for a customer to get in touch.

      Many businesses require our products to operate, and therefore it is vital we stick to their product descriptions accurately.

      No matter the size of the job, our team of trained engineers and our auto lathe machinery can form our glass products to be just the way you need them.

      All you need to do is let us know what you need, and we will produce it.

      The Glass Manufacturing Process

      Once we know the full details of the product we must manufacture, the process can begin.

      Most of the products at Moore’s Glassworks are created by our skilled glassblowers and engineers.

      While we do use the auto lathes for some jobs, all of our products are checked over by one of our engineers before it is shipped, to ensure it is of the highest quality.

      So, just what goes on when creating products such as cathode ray tube glass and vacuum viewports?

      Well, if one of our glassblowers is working alone on a manual lathe, they will use hot forming techniques to mould the glass into the desired shape.

      After making every adjustment to the glass, the work can be checked before the engineer works out their next move in the process.

      Throughout the manufacture, extreme heat is applied to areas of the glass, allowing it to be shaped.

      Through years of experience, our engineers are highly adept at judging the environment in which the process is taking place and working out the best steps to progress with the job.

      While our engineers always achieve stunning results, we use our very own auto lathe machines, which can do a very similar job, producing quick results and high consistency.

      The way the auto lathes work is that the glass is placed in the machine, from where it is thermographically analysed throughout the process of pulling, pushing, blowing and many other methods of shaping the glass.

      These auto lathes replicate the work of human engineers, but instead of an engineer visibly checking the work that is taking place, the auto lathe is constantly analysing the product through its thermographic readings.

      Auto lathes have many benefits, including the fact that they can be programmed to produce large batches of identical products in quick succession.

      If I’m making this sound easy, then I can assure you now that it is not.

      Many different factors, such as the size of the job or the heat of the flame can have a big effect on the glass manufacturing process, and there are also plenty of hazards.

      auto lathe machine

      One of our auto-lathe machines

      Hazards in Glass Manufacturing Industry

      Despite a 50% decrease in accidents in the last ten years, there are still many potentially hazardous situations in the glass manufacturing industry. Here are three:


      Like any manufacturing warehouse, there is the possibility of injury. With heavy-duty machinery in constant use, it is vital that full training is undergone prior to working in our building. We provide all staff with comprehensive training on the use of our machinery to ensure that everyone is aware of the best practices when it comes to operation. Also, we make sure all employees are trained in handling the glass products we manufacture to make certain that injuries are avoided.


      Glass manufacturers, like any manufacturer, can be noisy. With machinery constantly in operation, this can really ramp up the volume. At Moore’s Glassworks, we try and keep noise to a minimum, and many of our machines can be used without the need for ear protectors. Of course, if one of our engineers did desire protection, we have heavy-duty ear protectors readily available.


      When working with fire, there will always be a hazard. If not handled correctly, this can lead to injury, and therefore we take this very seriously in our warehouse. All of our staff undertake thorough training and are all experts in using fire in a safe and professional manner. Full protective equipment is also supplied if needed.

      Quality Control 

      Of course, sometimes things don’t go to plan, and that’s why we have a strict quality control policy at Moore’s Glassworks.

      Especially when not using our auto lathes, which are extremely precise, it is vital to check every product is safe and in the perfect condition to be shipped to our customers.

      We are proud to say that our products are always of the highest quality and standard, and our quality checks are a huge part of this.

      Nothing leaves our manufacturing plant without a full check, and that’s just one reason our customers love working with us.

      Quality Control

      Quality control at Moore’s Glassworks

      Final Thoughts

      Once the product is ready and fully checked, it can be stored in one of our warehouses (based in the UK and Belgium) before being shipped to our customer.

      If you would need the service of our team at Moore’s Glassworks, then why not get in touch today and allow us to provide a quote.

      From graded seals to photo ionisation detector glass bodies, we work to your needs and always produce a product of the highest quality.